1. All words in this website based on CSW19
2. There're 2 types of puzzles:
  2.1. Highest Play: there's only one answer with the highest score, and mostly is the best play at the same time (has great leaves, promising position, etc)
  2.2. Strategic Play: there's only one answer and can be proofed it's the best strategic play at that time. (so it's mostly for the endgame or near endgame)
3. No answer of the puzzle is provided, but if you try a play and it's correct. Yes, that's the only time you get the answer.
4. Try to verify your answer with Quackle or any reliable Scrabble program before publishing your puzzle.
5. To keep it simple for playing, the puzzle with Highest type will not show any current scores of each players.
Because it focused mainly on how to make the highest play.
6. Puzzle liker and Difficulty Star giver list could be shown by clicking its total counting number.
7. You will get the trophy symbol to mark that you once passed that puzzle (for logged in user only).
8. Uploaded puzzle with wrong info like: the answer is not really the highest/best score,
the answer is an unacceptable word, etc, could be reported and deleted.
9. If you upload the puzzle with the turn of opening move, please note in the description
that the answer direction is horizontal or vertical. Because it could be both, but there's only one answer for now.
10. New puzzle will be automatically displayed at 00.00 GMT of new day (while having some)